Teami Tea Review

Hi Guys, happy Monday! Today I will be sharing my experience with Teami Tea plus giving you two special coupon codes.

 For the past almost 30 days I've been drinking Teami Tea's 30 day detox tea. The detox includes two different teas, their Skinny Tea and Colon Tea. Every morning I drank their Skinny Tea and every other night I drank The Colon Tea.Now, I am going to be completely honest with you. I'm sure you've seen tons of different detox tea companies promoting their products and girls talking about how skinny they got by using those products. Weight wasn't one of the reasons why I decided to start this detox.  Honestly, the true reason was digestion. With that in mind, I had a great experience. First, let me share some of the benefits of Teami Detox Tea:

  • Boost your metabolism
  • Start burning stored fat
  • Calms muscle spasms and muscle tightness
  • Naturally raise energy levels
  • Detox your internal organs
  • Reduce bloating
  • Improve skin complexion
  • Flush out harsh toxins
  • Fix digestive issues

  • I personally didn't have muscle spasms or tightness, before or after starting the detox, so that didn't apply to me. It did fix my digestive issues, improve skin complexion, and reduce bloating. All of their teas are all natural, soy free, dairy free, non-gmo, and vegan! I enjoyed the taste. Some days I added honey.

    Now, for some of the dirty truth. (If bathroom talk makes you a bit bashful, I suggest skipping this portion.) With detoxes you will need to use the restroom. I noticed that I had to go the morning after drinking my Colon Tea. Also, some mornings after drinking the Skinny Tea. Nothing too crazy. LOL I was fine throughout the day.

    Have I lost weight? I don't know. I haven't weighed myself in almost a year. My belly did go down a little. I especially noticed in the morning, about a week in.

    I was gifted the purple infuser, which I love! It is meant to use with the Skinny Tea because it is a loose tea. I will be honest and say I do not use it with my Teami Tea. The loose leaf tea unravels and opens on the water. The infuser is small so it didn't allow for the leaves to fully open. (I just used a small strainer.) I am a avid tea drinker so I use it for my other loose teas. It works perfect for those.  

    {Pictured: Colon Tea and Infuser}

    Would I recommend Teami Tea? Yes! I really liked their 30 day detox and I would do it again. They have other teas that help with exhaustion, increasing energy levels, heightened concentration, improve blood circulation, insomnia, and upset stomachs. They have something for everyone which I like. They are not just a detox company.

    I have a special MLK Day coupon code for you. Get 15% off your purchase with code "THEBBMLK". This code will be valid Jan. 19th from 12am to 11:59pm. Every other day you may use code " THEBB10" for 10% off your order. (Shipping is free.)

    I really hope this was helpful! If you do end up trying it out, please let me know how you like it and if you have any questions. Have a great week!

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