My Pregnancy Diary: Hello 3rd Trimester

Photos by Angel Rodriguez
Coat: H&M, Turtleneck: Target, Maternity Jeans: H&M, Shoes: Target

We are officially in the 3rd trimester! 😁💙

Baby is the size of a head of lettuce and is almost 15 inches long.
He can now open and close his eyes.
I had my first experience with lightning crotch. 😅 It feels exactly how it sounds. LOL
No crazy cravings still, but I would eat a donut every day if I could.
Baby moves all the time. Which is my favorite thing ever, even when it hurts.
Sciatica pain is a normal thing for me now, but I've learned that stretching and yoga helps a lot.
I've randomly developed sensitive skin on my hands. The constant washing of my hands and hand sanitizer doesn't help. LOL

Lots of exciting things happening in the next 3 months and I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you guys!

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